This ground-breaking series features films by early women filmmakers: Grace Cunard, Alice Guy-Blaché, Angela Murray Gibson and Lois Weber will be featured. You can also watch a special Trailblazers Q&A moderated by WFPF’s Founder Barbara Moss with guest panelists Kim Tomadjoglou and Buckey Grimm.
To view the programs, register and stream for free at
Trailblazers of Early Cinema:
Trailblazers of Early Cinema Q&A Panel:
These films were preserved with support from the Women’s Film Preservation Fund and in partnership with UCLA Archives, EYEFILM, George Eastman Museum, the State Historical Society of North Dakota and the Library of Congress.
Women’s Film Preservation Fund (WFPF) is a volunteer run committee of NYWIFT and is dedicated to preserving motion pictures made by and about women. All donations go to the preservation of films so they will be available for future audiences. To support our efforts - please consider giving a tax-deductible donation. For more information visit:
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