Subprime is the creation of veteran publicist Beck Lee. This dark comedy “Subprime,” represents his professional debut as a playwright. Directed by Jason Jacobs, the five character comedy, in which two Minneapolis couples come to New York for a bargain vacation nobody can afford, is a limited four-show
run at JCTC’s Merseles Studios, 339 Newark Avenue, on Thursday June 8 at 7:30pm, Friday June 9 at 8pm, and Saturday June 10 at 3pm & 8pm.
Creator Beck Lee |
Featured in the cast are Taylor C. Hays, John Long, Laris Macario, Sarah Street and Jennifer Laine Williams. The production design team includes Reid Thompson (set), Lawrence Schober (sound), Eric Marciano (projections). Marcus Watson is the fight choreographer, and Gahlia Eden is the production stage manager.
Lee’s contemporary farce, which he co-conceived with his ex-wife Andrea Iten in Minneapolis, has had previous developmental readings in Minneapolis and New York. Lee states, “This is an out-of-town tryout that couldn’t be closer to home, only a PATH train away,” says Lee, who adds, “I’m excited this project is being launched at JCTC, an exceptional new performing arts center in a charming, old part of Jersey City.”
The Jersey City Theater Center, Olga Levina artistic director, is the home of the new 450-seat, state-of-the-art performance venue called White Eagle Hall, which will present world-class contemporary theatre, dance and music from around the world. “Subprime” performs in the center’s smaller black box theatre, Merseles Studios.
For tickets, which are $25, visit or call 877-987-6487. JCTC’s Merseles Studios, 339 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07302 (bet 4th & 5th Streets), is six blocks west from Grove Street PATH Station.
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