There are not many people that do not know who Mayim Bialik is. If they didn't know her from Blossom years ago, or The Big Bang Theory or Call Me Kat, they surely know her from hosting Jeopardy. Mayim is a household name for sure. But how did she get there? In this interview by Kara Mayer Robinson on her Really Famous Podcast, Mayim opens up opens up about her mental health struggles, childhood, divorce and more. View full interview here:
In this interview, you'll hear about how:
- Mayim has struggled with mental health issues her entire life.
- She relies heavily on a therapist.
- Contrary to what many people think, she’s pro-Covid vaccination.
- Mayim always thought she’d have a perfect marriage, but things
didn’t turn out that way.
- Filming The Big Bang Theory took a permanent toll on her appearance.
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