Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Photos: Axial Theater of New York's Production of John Logan's Never The Sinner

The Axial Theater Production of John Logan's Play Never the Sinner premiered mid-November at the Bethanny Arts Community Center outside of New York City in Ossining NY. 

The play, which follows the true story of a child named Bobby Franks, who was killed in Chicago early last century, was sold-out many nights.

Audience members called the play "Brutal,", "Powerful.", "Beautifully executed" and "Tightly-directed. The relevance to what is going on today cannot be missed.
The Artistic Director of  Axial Theater, Three-Time Daytime Emmy Winner Cady McClain directed and produced alongside Axial Board Members Steven Williford (Emmy© Winning Director), Amanda Quinn Olivar (Editor-in-Chief, Curator.Guide), and Axial Ensemble member Dan Walworth.

The show features Tuesdays With Morrie star Albi Gorn, Michael Howard Conservatory Members Tom Ryan and Michael M. Alva, and Axial Theater Members Bruce Apar, Youlim Nam and special guest Najah Imani Muhammad.

DATES:   The play will be produced at Bethany Arts Community in Ossining (N.Y.), Nov. 10 - 13 and Nov. 17 - 20, 2022. Thursday through Saturday shows are 8 p.m. Sunday performances are 3 p.m.  A post-show discussion of the topics of the play will follow each performance, led by director McClain, members of the ensemble and special guests. Tickets are $10 students,  $25 general seating.

axialtheatre.org for Tickets and for Information about Upcoming Productions, live and online.

All photos above by  Donna Svennevik

Panel after Opening Night with Artistic Director Cady McClain and Cast