A Short Series of Videos on the Dangers of Texting and Driving Sure to Entertain and Educate
Lauralee Bell, award-winning actress, writer and producer,
best known for her role as Christina Blair on The Young and The Restless has turned a tragic event in her life and
a realization of 21st century
life into a message for hope and change.
The site, www.MiPromise.com,
contains a series of 6 videos that depict a fatal event in the life of a
teenage girl full of hopes and promises.
Laurlee Bell plays the mother. Cassidy Ann Shaffer (Kimmy
from Disney’s Austin and Ally) plays the daughter Riley, who makes the fatal
mistake of responding to a text from the boy of her dreams the first day she
gets her license.
Also in the cast is: Brayden Shaffer (the brother), Peter
Weber (the handsome beau), James Liebman (dad),
Howard Dell ( the doctor) Sabrina
Bell (friend) and Haley Ogas (friend).
Lauralee Bell plays the mom of Riley who is in a coma |
The purpose of the videos are to tell the story of what can
happen when someone - anyone- not just a teenager, takes their eyes off the road
and onto a device, even for a mere 5 seconds, which statistics show is the minimum amount of time needed to read a phone. The videos are well-done,
captivating and dramatic. They are not public service announcements but well-done storytelling in the hopes that teenagers will find them entertaining.
There are also “MiPromise” e-pledges that one can send to
another to commit to not driving and texting.
Here are some startling facts about texting and driving:
- In 2011 (the latest year with statistics), at least 23% of
auto collisions involved cell phone usage. That’s 1.3 million crashes.
- 13% of drivers aged 18-20 involved in car wrecks who
survived admitted to having texted or been talking on a mobile device at the
time of the accident
- 5 Seconds is the minimum amount of time attention is taken
away from driving when you text and drive. At 55 miles per hours, that is the
same as driving the length of a football field without looking at the road.
- 77% of teens believe they can safely text and drive at the
same time.
Sources for this information and useful links about texting
and driving are:
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